Sunday, August 21, 2011

Enwood Newsletter

President Michael Shea has delivered to us all an August newsletter. 
Included in the letter was our Neighborhood Garage Sale date on September 17th!
Our National Night Out on October 4th!
And we are looking for volunteers to be on a Party Planning Committee!  We need help to plan our Block Party!  If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee send your name and number to our email address at:

Neighborhood Garage Sale on September 17th!

We are setting this weekend to openly advertise that the Enwood Neighborhood will be holding a Garage Sale.  We are making the Common Ground along Spencer Road available to sell your wares.

Want to setup along the main drag?  Send us your request for a spot to:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Duck Crossing Signs!!

These are great and they look pretty cute too!!  This is a great way to let everyone who passes through our subdivision using Spencer know that we like our ducks! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Nieghborhood Watch Meeting on 05/11/2011

Glenda, our captain of the watch says it was a grrrreat meeting.  We received great suggestions on how to make our homes a safer place. 
Everyone received a Emg. Beckon.
We want to also welcome some new members to our group.
Questions were ask about Mothers Day when some booms that sounded like gun shots were heard.  Officer Doss did not have the information on that the time.  I talked to Officer Doss today and she had check into it and it was fire works.
Our next meeting will be the National Night Out  and has been changed by St. Peters and now it will be Oct. 4, 2011 because of the heat so mark you calendars.  We had a great time last year.